Introducing your new creative production assistant, AI

(Source: Supplied.)

What does embracing artificial intelligence mean for the creative production industry? Artificial intelligence may have the capability to disrupt the creative production world as we know it. How this technology fits into our workspace, or how the integration of AI affects our own roles, are important questions that need answering – and this is what the whitepaper Introducing your new creative production assistant, AI seeks to do.  

As an omnichannel content production partner, Tag sees AI as something to embrace rather than reject. However, having a well-executed integration process for AI in place is essential to ensuring that maximal benefits are achieved with minimal disruptions. This whitepaper frames AI as a new member of the creative production team, a bonus headcount that can provide additional resources to enhance the capabilities of the human team. 

To better navigate AI integration, this whitepaper dissects each part of the employment process step by step, from preparing to hire and meet the potential AI candidates to starting the onboarding process and what the future of AI’s career could look like in creative production.

Preparing to hire an AI employee

Where to begin when hiring an AI employee? Just like with any new employee, before potential candidates are brought in for interviews, the new role needs to be defined. We establish three areas of creative production that this new AI teammate could assist with; content delivery, admin assistance, and research. 

Meet your AI candidates

Having defined the job role, it’s now time to meet the potential candidates. We break down the different types of AI that could be employed to enhance each role, from generative AI to intelligent automation. 

Onboarding your new AI team member

How do you prepare your team for its new headcount? AI is a team member and not a team on its own. Ensuring that creatives are able to work well with their new assistant is critical to producing effective results in an efficient manner. 

Anti-bias training is not just reserved for human employees. AI teammates need their fair share of DE&I training too. How can creatives work with AI to ensure the output of their teammate is inclusive?

AI’s career progression in creative production 

What does the future of AI look like in creative production, and how should businesses and agencies proceed to ensure damage control for potential restrictions and legislation in the future?

To learn more about how the developing role of AI in creative production, see the full whitepaper here or click the link below: 

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