Levi Strauss & Co mulls sales of Dockers following mixed quarterly results
The company has commenced a strategic review of Dockers after the brand's sales dipped 15 per cent.
Singaporean retail chain Oh!some debuts in Malaysia
The company said it plans to gradually expand into more Southeast Asian countries.
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Levi Strauss & Co mulls sales of Dockers following mixed quarterly results
The company has commenced a strategic review of Dockers after the brand's sales dipped 15 per cent.
Nike’s cautionary tale: When a D2C pivot goes awry
Cutting out the middleman was an enticing proposition,Cutting out the middleman was an enticing proposition, but Nike underestimat...
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Seven & I exploring partial sale of Seven Bank holding
If the stake were sold down, the group's banking arm would no longer be counted as a consolidated subsidiary, Bloomberg reported.
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